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mahares elderly care Icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct - 22:33 par Admin

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mahares elderly care Icon_minitimeMar 9 Avr - 13:11 par Admin

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mahares mahares
mahares elderly care Icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct - 22:33 par Admin

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 mahares elderly care

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Messages : 322
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2011
Localisation : mahares,tunisie

mahares elderly care Empty
MessageSujet: mahares elderly care   mahares elderly care Icon_minitimeDim 16 Oct - 13:02

Terrorism smoothly and Arrest in secret
Tunisia before the revolution:
With this method that our people have suffered throughout the 23 years 'Ali bin'
terrorism, a great people of a great country, a country that has known many
civilizations whose history began in prehistoric times, since thousands of years
before Christ, but never saw a black period like this, and fortunately a proud
member of this people but unfortunately we've had a president thief never seen
Ben Ali in Tunisia. I was one of the Tunisians, hundreds if not thousands who
have been persecuted by his political system. My story began in 1990, I was
among many who believed in democracy, the solidarity that brought us the
statement of Ali bin request the creation of a social association for
sponsorship or support adults especially those who are ill and are not under the
auspices of someone. A non-profit, especially as I am nurse who specializes in
this field. My application was refused but continued harassment began, they
wanted to integrate into the RCD (Constitutional Democratic Rally) party
politics bin Ali, my refusal was a crime for them, my refuge in the first place
was the governor of Sfax, but the latter instead of helping me, on the contrary
it was a great opportunity to get closer to the RCD.
I had a small restaurant and coincidentally there was a bid for the restaurants
in the region from the regional hospital of Mahares (small town near Sfax), I
won that appeal to provides for a simple reason that my goal was not profit with
a much cheaper price that I offered to hospital officials and especially that I
think it's another way to help sick and it really made me lots of fun and the
service was very convincing, residents were very happy that we give as nutrition
department patients. But the bizarre is that it was not true of executives and
officials in the region (albeit on RCDistes) since the majority of
responsibility in any area live in the country and the continued harassment
continues. I will not exaggerate if I say I was very strict and honest such that
any evidence I have not left any opportunity for my arrest. So the only thing
left for them were my family, I had a sick wife and three small children, they
have forced everyone, especially since my wife was sick and accuse me of making
complaints against me that n have not any relation to reality, they tried to
bring my children with all manners of minors sometimes violence to confirm the
words of my wife under pressure. I took the doctor's medical certificate that
confirms my wife's mental illness and may cancel such complaints since she saw
her illness was not responsible for those words, but they arrested the doctor
and he himself has accused several problems .
With their methods they sent someone over night at my house (of course I was not
given the adverse conditions because it is past), he even dared to go in my
bedroom My son saw this big, actually express all that was there so I doubt my
wife and I demand a divorce.
A long history including many details I did not write, but I am writing to
summarize what has been finally:
- Divorce in 1994.
- Case studies of my kids although they were brilliant.
- Two of my three children to this day are ill with schizophrenia.
- I found no shelter except a voluntarily chosen to go live away from my family
and leave my area throughout 15 years.
- A prosecution policy until the end of the reign of the dictator.
- Retention of my passport throughout the 20 years until today ...
All this does not prevent me, my ambitions and instead create an association,
but it was a private company for the same purpose of helping adults and support
non-profit but also with my own money and I payroll taxes. I am proud of is not
from this party mafia although I had to ask his aides to create a home of older
All I have told you this is a summary and I have all the documents and witnesses
of my words people ...................... ..!!!? khelil omrane: hela
establishment to protect seniors tunisia
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