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» mahares mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct - 22:33 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeMar 20 Aoû - 0:12 par Admin

» mahares tunisie
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeMar 9 Avr - 13:11 par Admin

» mahares tunisie
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeVen 5 Avr - 17:26 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeMar 12 Mar - 15:22 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeMar 12 Fév - 17:02 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 17:57 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeDim 2 Déc - 15:06 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Oct - 22:35 par Admin

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mahares mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct - 22:33 par Admin

Bien vieillir, c'est vieillir en bonne santé. La santé est la première condition d’un vieillissement dit « réussi ». L’attention portée aujourd’hui aux activités physiques et intellectuelles, à l’équilibre alimentaire, et d’une manière élargie à la prévention et à l’éducation en santé est le signe visible que la société toute entière se préoccupe de prévenir la …

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mahares tunisie
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeMar 9 Avr - 13:11 par Admin
Maladie d'Alzheimer : organiser la vie quotidienne

Des repères pour la vie quotidienne

- Lui répéter souvent dans la journée son prénom ou son nom. Renommer ses proches, amis, famille...
- Ne pas changer la place habituelle de ses affaires (rasoir, brosse à dents).
- Disposer les habits du jour, toujours à la même place, et dans le bon ordre d'habillage.
- Laisser les portes des pièces …

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mahares mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeMar 12 Mar - 15:22 par Admin
Au salon technologique du Cebit, les fauteuils surveillent votre santé

Un seul problème, le prix est astronomique

Il ressemble en tous points à un fauteuil confortable parfait pour passer quelques heures devant la télé, mais ce fauteuil high-tech, présenté au salon Cebit de Hanovre (nord), se transforme en véritable coach sportif dès que vous commencez à prendre trop de poids.

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mahares mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 17:57 par Admin
Gériatrie, soins palliatifs - Michel Cavey
Accueil du site > Du prendre soin
Une enquête sur la maltraitance : III : discussion
dimanche 4 septembre 2005 par Michel

L’étude qui vient d’être décrite appelle plusieurs commentaires.

La gestion du problème :

Le premier commentaire qui vient à l’esprit concerne sans doute …

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mahares sfax
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeSam 22 Sep - 21:33 par Admin
Pourquoi mesurer la perte d'autonomie ?

Cela peut aider une personne âgée à prendre conscience de ces incapacités. Perdre tout ou partie de son indépendance est un choc psychologique et moral qu’il convient d’accompagner.
Il devient possible de définir un niveau d'aide par rapport à une incapacité. Mesurer la capacité à s'habiller seul, se laver seul..., est le préalable …

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khelil mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin - 23:31 par Admin
Khelil Omrane
Dossier de la semaine

Le plan canicule a été mis en place depuis le 1er juin 2012. Il vise à protéger les personnes âgées en établissement et à domicile.
age-village : conseils de prévention, publications en fonction des publics
Les précautions essentielles pour aider les personnes âgées à mieux supporter les températures …

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khelil mahares
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Juin - 18:44 par Admin
Les petits frères des Pauvres recherchent des bénévoles pour accompagner les personnes âgées cet été

encore 420 bénévoles manquants

Les petits frères des Pauvres organisent des séjours et des actions de proximité partout en France. Objectif : permettre aux personnes âgées isolées, en situation de précarité ou de handicap de vivre des moments de partage cet été.

A la …

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mahares sfax
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeVen 1 Juin - 21:59 par Admin
La boutique du Mieux Vivre : des tables de culture
pour faire un potager en hauteur

Introduisez l'Hortithérapie ou "Thérapie par le jardinage" dans votre établissement !

L'Hortithérapie ou "Thérapie par le jardinage" est une méthode de plus en plus répandue et reconnue.
Le jardinage est une excellente activité pour des personnes souffrant de la maladie d'Alzheimer …

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mahares 3060
Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeLun 30 Avr - 11:40 par Admin


Posted by maria angelica sassone on April 29, 2012 at 9:49am in Health Tips For The WeekBack to Health Tips For The Week Discussions
You Might As Well Ignore What You Eat
Do you know why we have such rampant disease in the United States and in other Western cultures?
Most people think it’s the quality of the food, that people aren’t eating well, and that they’re not …

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Le Deal du moment :
Bon plan achat en duo : 2ème robot cuiseur ...
Voir le deal
600 €


 Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource

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Messages : 322
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2011
Localisation : mahares,tunisie

Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Empty
MessageSujet: Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource   Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource Icon_minitimeMar 18 Oct - 13:13

Your Pharmacy: A Diabetes-Management Resource
We usually go to the pharmacy with one thing in mind: Filling our prescriptions. However, the pharmacy can be so much, much more. From the pharmacists and technicians behind the counter to special products in the aisles, your neighborhood drug store can be one of your greatest diabetes-management resources—if you know where to look and what to ask. So, before your next pharmacy visit, here are seven things you should know.

Sticking to one pharmacy has benefits. Having all your medication records in one place lessens the risk of taking duplicate medications (which may be under different brand names) or experiencing dangerous drug interactions. You’ll also feel more comfortable asking questions or bringing up concerns if you have an on-going relationship with the same pharmacists or technicians.

Pharmacists will meet with you one-on-one. Ask to meet your pharmacist to review your medications and get answers to questions you may have. Many pharmacies have created private cubicles or conference areas for such consultations. If it’s a busy pharmacy, calling ahead for an appointment may be a good idea. Bring all your medications and any supplements you may take. And ask for a printout of your prescription medications for your records.

You can save money during test and immunization days. Many pharmacies give flu shots and other vaccinations. Some even have health days or diabetes days and offer screenings such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and A1C blood-sugar tests—at surprisingly affordable prices. Such days also may include face-to-face time with the pharmacist. And if they don’t offer such days, suggest it to your pharmacist.

Over-the-counter medicines may be loaded with sugar. If your blood sugar is already a little high when you’re sick, the sugar in cold and cough medicines won’t help. Look for sugar-free versions of cough syrups, lozenges, chewable aspirins, and decongestants. These items may be in a special diabetes section of the store. If you don’t see them, ask the pharmacist.

Medication costs can often be reduced. Pharmacists are sympathetic to rising medication costs. After all, they don’t work on a commission—they simply want to provide you with the best care possible, which means being able to afford the drugs. Your pharmacist may know of ways to help you pay less for your medications, such as ordering 60-day supplies rather than 30-day supplies, or by ordering older or generic versions of your medications, with doctor’s approval.

The lotion aisle is more important than you think. High blood sugar can contribute to dry skin, which in turn can lead to cracks and infection. A little-known diabetes-fighting source at the pharmacy is the lotion aisle. Some moisturizers are even labeled for people with diabetes. Just don’t feel limited to these because they often cost more. Any moisturizer that’s thick enough to stay put and that doesn’t irritate your skin will do.

Capsaicin cream can ease foot pain and tingling. Capsaicin, a compound found in hot peppers, relieves pain over time by running interference between nerve cells and your brain. Give them a few weeks to work. And keep the creams away from your eyes, mouth, and nose—they can burn. It’s even a good idea to use disposable gloves when applying them.

Warm Artichoke and Bean Dip
Beans are the magic ingredient in this lower-fat, higher-fiber version of a classic cheesy artichoke dip. Full of fiber, it’s a perfect snack for people with diabetes because it slows digestion, preventing spikes in blood sugar. Try it with low-fat, whole-grain crackers, such as Wasa, Kavli, or Ryvita.
Serves 8
1 can (19 or 15 ounces) cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
1 can (14 ounces) artichoke hearts, drained and rinsed
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon reduced-fat mayonnaise
Pinch of ground cayenne pepper
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
2/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest

1 Preheat the oven to 400∞F. Coat a 2- to 3-cup baking dish with nonstick spray.
2 Place the beans, artichoke hearts, garlic, mayonnaise, red pepper, and black pepper in a food processor. Process until smooth, stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl once or twice. Transfer to a medium bowl. Stir in 2/3 cup of the Parmesan, parsley, and lemon zest. Scrape into the baking dish and smooth with a spatula. Sprinkle with the remaining 2 tablespoons Parmesan.
3 Bake the dip, uncovered, until heated through, 20 to 25 minutes. Serve warm.
Per serving (1/4 cup): 116 cal, 3 g fat (2 g sat), 16 g carbs, 7 g protein, 5 g fiber, 7 mg chol, 517 mg sodium

Control Nighttime Snacking—with a Snack!
Somewhere between Community and 30 Rock, smack-dab in the middle of prime time, the desire to snack often creeps up on us. During commercial breaks, we may nibble away at whatever food is handy—and all too often, it’s not that healthy. There’s a good reason to pay attention to this prime time noshing: Most overweight people with diabetes eat more calories at night than at any other time of the day. It doesn’t help that your metabolism winds down as your body prepares for sleep, meaning that the calories you take in are more likely to be stored as fat. And eating into the wee hours may contribute to high blood sugar when you wake in the morning.

However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t allow yourself a snack. In fact, the only danger of snacks is that they can become more like added meals when you go overboard. If you’re careful, though, there’s no reason that an after-dinner snack can’t be both light and satisfying. You’ll do fine if you limit snacks to no more than 150 calories. Good choices that fit that bill include:
• 8 ounces fat-free, sugar-free yogurt
• 1 ounce fat-free string cheese
• Cherry tomatoes, sliced raw red bell peppers, carrots, or cucumbers
• 4 cups of air-popped popcorn
• 1 apple, orange, or banana
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