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» mahares mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct - 22:33 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeMar 20 Aoû - 0:12 par Admin

» mahares tunisie
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeMar 9 Avr - 13:11 par Admin

» mahares tunisie
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeVen 5 Avr - 17:26 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeMar 12 Mar - 15:22 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeMar 12 Fév - 17:02 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 17:57 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeDim 2 Déc - 15:06 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Oct - 22:35 par Admin

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mahares mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct - 22:33 par Admin

Bien vieillir, c'est vieillir en bonne santé. La santé est la première condition d’un vieillissement dit « réussi ». L’attention portée aujourd’hui aux activités physiques et intellectuelles, à l’équilibre alimentaire, et d’une manière élargie à la prévention et à l’éducation en santé est le signe visible que la société toute entière se préoccupe de prévenir la …

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mahares tunisie
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeMar 9 Avr - 13:11 par Admin
Maladie d'Alzheimer : organiser la vie quotidienne

Des repères pour la vie quotidienne

- Lui répéter souvent dans la journée son prénom ou son nom. Renommer ses proches, amis, famille...
- Ne pas changer la place habituelle de ses affaires (rasoir, brosse à dents).
- Disposer les habits du jour, toujours à la même place, et dans le bon ordre d'habillage.
- Laisser les portes des pièces …

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mahares mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeMar 12 Mar - 15:22 par Admin
Au salon technologique du Cebit, les fauteuils surveillent votre santé

Un seul problème, le prix est astronomique

Il ressemble en tous points à un fauteuil confortable parfait pour passer quelques heures devant la télé, mais ce fauteuil high-tech, présenté au salon Cebit de Hanovre (nord), se transforme en véritable coach sportif dès que vous commencez à prendre trop de poids.

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mahares mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 17:57 par Admin
Gériatrie, soins palliatifs - Michel Cavey
Accueil du site > Du prendre soin
Une enquête sur la maltraitance : III : discussion
dimanche 4 septembre 2005 par Michel

L’étude qui vient d’être décrite appelle plusieurs commentaires.

La gestion du problème :

Le premier commentaire qui vient à l’esprit concerne sans doute …

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mahares sfax
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeSam 22 Sep - 21:33 par Admin
Pourquoi mesurer la perte d'autonomie ?

Cela peut aider une personne âgée à prendre conscience de ces incapacités. Perdre tout ou partie de son indépendance est un choc psychologique et moral qu’il convient d’accompagner.
Il devient possible de définir un niveau d'aide par rapport à une incapacité. Mesurer la capacité à s'habiller seul, se laver seul..., est le préalable …

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khelil mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin - 23:31 par Admin
Khelil Omrane
Dossier de la semaine

Le plan canicule a été mis en place depuis le 1er juin 2012. Il vise à protéger les personnes âgées en établissement et à domicile.
age-village : conseils de prévention, publications en fonction des publics
Les précautions essentielles pour aider les personnes âgées à mieux supporter les températures …

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khelil mahares
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Juin - 18:44 par Admin
Les petits frères des Pauvres recherchent des bénévoles pour accompagner les personnes âgées cet été

encore 420 bénévoles manquants

Les petits frères des Pauvres organisent des séjours et des actions de proximité partout en France. Objectif : permettre aux personnes âgées isolées, en situation de précarité ou de handicap de vivre des moments de partage cet été.

A la …

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mahares sfax
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeVen 1 Juin - 21:59 par Admin
La boutique du Mieux Vivre : des tables de culture
pour faire un potager en hauteur

Introduisez l'Hortithérapie ou "Thérapie par le jardinage" dans votre établissement !

L'Hortithérapie ou "Thérapie par le jardinage" est une méthode de plus en plus répandue et reconnue.
Le jardinage est une excellente activité pour des personnes souffrant de la maladie d'Alzheimer …

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mahares 3060
Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeLun 30 Avr - 11:40 par Admin


Posted by maria angelica sassone on April 29, 2012 at 9:49am in Health Tips For The WeekBack to Health Tips For The Week Discussions
You Might As Well Ignore What You Eat
Do you know why we have such rampant disease in the United States and in other Western cultures?
Most people think it’s the quality of the food, that people aren’t eating well, and that they’re not …

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Pack Home Cinéma Magnat Monitor : Ampli DENON ...
Voir le deal
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 Can we decide to age well?

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Messages : 322
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2011
Localisation : mahares,tunisie

Can we decide to age well? Empty
MessageSujet: Can we decide to age well?   Can we decide to age well? Icon_minitimeMer 5 Oct - 0:20

"I decided to age well - mobilizing its vital energy," Claudine-Badey Robriguez, Albin Michel

Can we decide to age well?

Claudine Badey-Rodriguez, psychologist, psychotherapist, said yes. She says, as outlined entitled "Mobilizing the vital energy" that we can take an active part in our destiny, and are free to be open to change to change what can evolve in our environment and our psyche. After all, aging well, is not it, in the way, ensuring our lives and our health in the broadest sense, that is to say physical but also psychological? Be kind with yourself, then, throughout life. Aging learned.
Ageing well learned, says the author discusses many valuable ways to reduce stress, and particularly developing his inner life, if only to find that the old meaning and value.
There is in this book indeed much to take, to learn and to learn.

"Contributing to that old age is approached in a constructive manner" when it was committed in this book the first wish of the author, which addressed itself a milestone age. She continued her reflection, she says with an even more ambitious goal: "the envy of this experience positively! ". The key word for Claudine Badey-Rodriguez is to accept the "process of life." Action is needed on the factors that may contribute to a "successful aging".

First, it invites us to resist the ubiquitous injunction to stay young, to let go of our fears and turn their back on performances and speeches that make old age and aging a disaster, a shipwreck, a decay, a scourge. Claudine Badey-Rodriguez did not actually deprive the company to report that hides its old, abuse, depicts dependent, useless, demented, so much so that the old self-hate old.
It also denounces the lack of means to serve the elderly in our country where a million women over age 60 are not even minimum wage to live.

Social representations of old age have a disastrous impact on our aging author argues that encourages interest in those who preceded us on the way here or elsewhere, those she met in her career and are a testimony that can be old, even fragile, and even decreased happy.

"Successful aging is also in the head," said Claudine Badey-Rodriguez for having seen and heard mostly by listening to older people. Of course, respecting the basic principles of prevention, by taking into small pieces by hand. But it is also in tune with itself, its needs, priorities and limitations that convent to tackle.

We must "work to age," concludes the author of groomed by older people she met and whose stories punctuate the book but also the results of many studies and research on the characteristics of people age well. They are similar to those that characterize people who overcome serious illness: control over his life, optimism, fighting spirit, spiritual practice or development of his inner life, social relationships.

Breaks are needed in the process of life is of successive steps to be taken "to access each of the following with the wealth that has been cultivated for the last."
Claudine Badey-Rodriguez is convinced to have experienced such crises that mark the existence of these "transition periods", she prefers to say, are one after the other "the opportunity to regain sensation of course, be open to new interior spaces, the freedom that we can feel when the past does more smoothly and that the future does not obsessed. "

Old age is it meets a greater crisis yet? Maybe, it depends on the preparation throughout the life we ​​will have done but the author strongly believes, old age may also "be considered with its potential for evolution, change." The most important time to be be able to "gain psychic force that is lost in physical force."

Claudine Rodriguez Badey opens the way to reduce stress that can cause advancing age in a society that evokes old age in terms of losses and shortfalls. Situations on the one hand, beliefs, on the other hand are generating stress. They should identify and "learn to defuse them." Approaches used to revisit the past to get rid of bulky packages of the past or unsatisfactory aspects of this.

The aim is certainly to be able to approach the home stretch of existence by having precisely recognized himself and for himself, first, the meaning of his own old age, its value. Is this possible without developing, formerly his inner life? Identify its mission in a way. How, indeed, old age could be meaningful even if life is free? The meaning of life could it not be fair to live well and age well or so of aging well. "Yes, optimism can be learned!" concludes the author in a final chapter.

Do not miss, from your local bookseller, on April 1.

I decided to age well. Mobilize its vital energy
Claudine Badey-Rodriguez, Editions Albin Michel, 278 pages, € 15

Claudine Badey-Rodriguez, psychologist, psychotherapist, consultant, lives in Nice. She is the author of "Life in a retirement home" and "When the character becomes difficult with age"

The site Badey Claudine Rodriguez, psychologist, psychotherapist, consultant
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