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» mahares mahares
Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct - 22:33 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Icon_minitimeMar 20 Aoû - 0:12 par Admin

» mahares tunisie
Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Icon_minitimeMar 9 Avr - 13:11 par Admin

» mahares tunisie
Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Icon_minitimeVen 5 Avr - 17:26 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Icon_minitimeMar 12 Mar - 15:22 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Icon_minitimeMar 12 Fév - 17:02 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 17:57 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Icon_minitimeDim 2 Déc - 15:06 par Admin

» mahares mahares
Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Oct - 22:35 par Admin

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    Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct - 22:33 par Admin

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     Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat

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    Messages : 322
    Date d'inscription : 26/09/2011
    Localisation : mahares,tunisie

    Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Empty
    MessageSujet: Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat   Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat Icon_minitimeMer 5 Oct - 0:24

    Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat

    Little treatise on the dignity

    The inimitable philosopher, teacher, writer, Eric Fiat takes pen in Oxford to support us in our reflections on the dignity.

    With his direct style, tinged with humor, sometimes scathing, he explains the thinking of philosophers, illuminates the teachings of mythology.

    He quips, fun touches us when we speak of the worthy (the girl with Down syndrome du General de Gaulle), the unworthy (young patient, sado-masochistic, drug addict).

    He shows us the limits of analysis, definitions, points of view when you want to define the human being, but he agreed with the question of the inherent dignity, ontological, man according to Kant.
    His examples are fly like his famous "dignitomètre" (page 110 "bourgeois" or "modern").

    Writing is fun, rewarding, educational and touching.

    Eric Fiat argues, demonstrates the complexity of the human being. It sometimes gives its opinion (fear of the mechanization of care, the manipulation, rather palliative practice, that euthanasia "all powerful") but fears the morgue, the trial.
    It pushes us to always look the other as a person, with respect and even better, love.
    The other, the one who suffers, who lost his rights (this one is it still a man?), Who will die, the other is us.

    We propose to move forward, to continue the reflection, always remain vigilant. "It is the dignity of those virtues as fragile, delicate, such as modesty, intelligence, modesty" (page 223).

    Worthy portraits and portraits worthy
    Most worthy of the two is not what we think: what value to our lives?

    Five main concepts of dignity
    The bourgeois conception or adventures and misadventures of miss Henriette
    The monotheistic conception or Pierre in the image of God
    Kant's conception of moral law ul Elsa, the starry sky above it
    Interlude - respect
    Julie relational design or saved from the waters
    The modern design and Francesca, who died with dignity

    The highs and lows of men
    Little treatise on the dignity
    Eric Fiat
    Philosopher - Larousse
    240 pages - 17 euros
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    Grandeur and misery of men in the philosopher Eric Larousse Fiat
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