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» mahares mahares
friendsheep Icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct - 22:33 par Admin

» mahares mahares
friendsheep Icon_minitimeMar 20 Aoû - 0:12 par Admin

» mahares tunisie
friendsheep Icon_minitimeMar 9 Avr - 13:11 par Admin

» mahares tunisie
friendsheep Icon_minitimeVen 5 Avr - 17:26 par Admin

» mahares mahares
friendsheep Icon_minitimeMar 12 Mar - 15:22 par Admin

» mahares mahares
friendsheep Icon_minitimeMar 12 Fév - 17:02 par Admin

» mahares mahares
friendsheep Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 17:57 par Admin

» mahares mahares
friendsheep Icon_minitimeDim 2 Déc - 15:06 par Admin

» mahares mahares
friendsheep Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Oct - 22:35 par Admin

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    friendsheep Icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct - 22:33 par Admin

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    mahares tunisie
    friendsheep Icon_minitimeMar 9 Avr - 13:11 par Admin
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    mahares mahares
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    Messages : 322
    Date d'inscription : 26/09/2011
    Localisation : mahares,tunisie

    friendsheep Empty
    MessageSujet: friendsheep   friendsheep Icon_minitimeMar 4 Oct - 15:39

    This is Luce Fleury Levi<BR>at Universal Grace Films and soon
    Foundation<BR><BR>I am really privileged to introduce to you today one of my
    Tunisian friends, Khelil Omrane<BR>a Tunisian modern hero.<BR><BR>I am very
    excited because I was born in Tunisia too, more precisely in Carthage town of
    the legendary<BR><BR>Queen Didon and I remember sitting on the steps of St
    Louis, original Church, talking to Christ<BR><BR>my source. In Carthage there
    a presitigious International Roman&nbsp; antique open air theatre and it is in
    this<BR><BR>atmosphere that as a little girl, I took my inspiration for art and
    performance.<BR><BR><BR>Khelil Omran is a courageous and generous soul who in
    spite of the persecution he suffered from the old regime<BR><BR>of the former
    President Ben Ali, had not only a dream but acted upon it<BR><BR>As a
    psychiatrist nurse, he cared very much for the ageing population around him and
    of course mainly in his native<BR><BR>village of Mahares, which is by the way a
    real heavenly dream on earth with its immense beaches with white sand blue see
    and sky all around!<BR><BR>It makes me so nostalgic!!!!<BR><BR>Khelil had
    compassion when he noticed that some seniors around were weak or sick some were
    also suffering from aids and they had nobody to help them<BR><BR>since their
    children had all to go in big towns or abroad to make their living and they
    living in such poverty and infirmity<BR><BR>without the minimum necessities for
    a decent life that he started to take care of them free lance by visiting them
    where they lived to serve<BR><BR>them <BR><BR>He was so enthusiastic to making
    difference and so brave that he even bought a restaurant so to feed more
    and even patients from<BR><BR>the local hospital<BR><BR>Today Khelil wishes to
    develop this dream into a greater reality and create a village for senior
    citizens to feel<BR><BR>at home and cherished whatever their creed or ethnical
    origin<BR><BR>Tunisians are one of the best people in the world to make you
    at home in their lovely country<BR><BR>they are so gentle and loving so full of
    life and so poetic in their souls<BR><BR>Oh Khelil I miss you all so
    much<BR><BR>I hope i will soon be able to come to visit and interview you and
    film you myself<BR><BR>Something to be looking forward
    THROUGH GOOD ACTIONS<BR><BR>I do not know if some of you saw this magnificent
    British film called THE MISSION<BR><BR>The film is set in the 1750s and
    Spanish Jesuit priest Father Gabriel <BR><BR>(Jeremy Irons) who enters the
    American jungle to build a mission and convert a Guaraní <BR><BR>community to
    Christianity. Mercenary and slaver, Rodrigo Mendoza (Robert De Niro),
    <BR><BR>makes his living kidnapping natives and selling them to nearby
    plantations. <BR><BR>Mendoza subsequently finds his fiancee (Cherie Lunghi)
    <BR><BR>and his younger brother Felipe (Aidan Quinn) in bed together. He kills
    Felipe in a duel. <BR><BR>Acquitted of the killing, Mendoza spirals into
    depression. Father Gabriel, <BR><BR>who has temporarily returned from his
    mission, visits and challenges <BR><BR>Mendoza to undertake a suitable
    penance.<BR><BR>Father Gabriel's mission is depicted as a place of sanctuary
    <BR><BR>education for the Guaraní. Moved by the Guaraní's acceptance,
    <BR><BR>Mendoza wishes to help at the mission.<BR><BR>Unfortunately for unfair
    and complex political reasons having to do with slaves trade <BR><BR>Father
    Gabriel is instructed to close the mission.<BR><BR>Father Gabriel and Mendoza
    state their intention to defend the Mission <BR><BR>should the plantation
    and colonialists attack. <BR><BR>They are, however, divided on how to do this,
    and they debate how to respond to <BR><BR>the impending military attack.
    <BR><BR>Father Gabriel believes that violence is a direct <BR><BR>crime against
    God. <BR><BR>Mendoza, however, decides to break his vows in order to militarily
    defend the Mission. <BR><BR>Against Father Gabriel's wishes, he teaches the
    natives the art of war <BR><BR>and once more takes up his sword.<BR><BR>However
    they will all get killed by the army at the end,<BR><BR>Father Gabriel and
    Mendoza will die about at the same time, looking at each other<BR><BR>for the
    last time, with love, Father Gabriel with the cross in his hands, celebrating
    the Mass<BR><BR>followed by the Guarani, Mendoza with his weapon in his hand
    defending the mission<BR><BR>and the Guarani... <BR><BR><BR><BR>If you click on
    this following link <BR><BR><BR><a

    " target=_blank
    </a><BR><BR><BR>you will be able to read my new blog about my<BR><BR>dear
    Tunisian friend Khelil OMRANE, I CALL A MODERN HERO.<BR><BR>He was persecuted
    during the oppressive regime of former<BR><BR>President Ben Ali.<BR><BR>He
    to resist peacefully and took position for justice and peace<BR><BR>instead, by
    taking care of needy older people in his community, to precisely<BR><BR>make
    good difference, everybody complained was missing...<BR><BR><BR>I have put some
    videos of him and his village, in Arabic, on my blog ...where he is
    now<BR><BR>working at organising a special senior residence ...and one of me
    explaining in<BR><BR>English...<BR><BR><BR>Please do not hesitate to comment
    let me know how you feel...<BR><BR>Since it is true that like in the film The
    Mission<BR><BR>one can also hold the viewpoint that sometimes there is no other
    choice<BR><BR>than using violence to defend justice and truth...<BR><BR><BR>As
    far as I am concerned,<BR><BR>I agree choose the option of Father Gabriel and
    my Muslim friend Khelil Omran,<BR><BR> I think that it is necessary to make a
    firm stand for justice, since the bible, my spiritual<BR><BR>source, says one
    must open ones mouth to defend right causes and to do what one can<BR><BR>to
    help make a good difference but never use violence, even under persecution...
    instead<BR><BR>We are instructed to pray and send love, even to our
    ennemies...<BR><BR>Of course one should not skip the difficult task of telling
    them what is wrong<BR><BR> with compassion to help them repent and change...
    even if you risk losing your life doing so...<BR><BR>since there is no greater
    love than to give you life for your friends... <BR><BR>BUT NOT TO TAKE ANOTHER
    HUMAN BEING's LIFE or commit a crime of theaft or material
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